My hometown where I live is at kawakawa is very famous for the hundertwasser toilets right in the middle of town where Gabriel the Tain runs straight through the middle of the road. Our town is filled with friendly people and with shops everywhere in one spot. Kawakawa is known to find and discover coal at 1861 there a museum that tells you everything you need to know
Thursday, 20 December 2018
The top facts
My 3 top fact about New Zealand is ...
That the offical language of New Zealand is mostly Maori and English and it will be Maori and English even if other culture come in and speak different language.
New Zealand has a Maori name that is Aotearoa that means the land of the long white cloud because it is called the long white cloud At day there was a long white cloud guiding voyagers to New Zealand.
In New Zealand we have 4 famous movie from New Zealand that is once were warriors / whale rider lord of the ring / the piano and I so wish hunt for the wilder people are on that list.

That the offical language of New Zealand is mostly Maori and English and it will be Maori and English even if other culture come in and speak different language.
New Zealand has a Maori name that is Aotearoa that means the land of the long white cloud because it is called the long white cloud At day there was a long white cloud guiding voyagers to New Zealand.
In New Zealand we have 4 famous movie from New Zealand that is once were warriors / whale rider lord of the ring / the piano and I so wish hunt for the wilder people are on that list.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
paying to farwads
Friday, 16 November 2018
Free writting
Title: Sloths
Sloths are mammals they move around slowly and spent more time hanging upside down on a tree they
sleep 15-18 hours
sleep 15-18 hours
Sloths are the closest relatives to anteaters and armadillos. Together they belong to an ancient
of mammals called the Xenarthra. The sloths have roundish heads, sad looking eyes, tiny ears and a
stubby tail, their body is covered with black, brown or grey wiry fur. Their is also a different type of sloth
called Two-toed sloths, these types of sloths are slightly bigger and tend to hang upside down more.
of mammals called the Xenarthra. The sloths have roundish heads, sad looking eyes, tiny ears and a
stubby tail, their body is covered with black, brown or grey wiry fur. Their is also a different type of sloth
called Two-toed sloths, these types of sloths are slightly bigger and tend to hang upside down more.
Sloth live where there ancestors live in north america modern sloths live in the central of south
america Sloths prefer sleeping while curled into a ball in the fork of a tropical tree. They also
like to sleep hanging from tree branches.
america Sloths prefer sleeping while curled into a ball in the fork of a tropical tree. They also
like to sleep hanging from tree branches.
Life cycle:
The life cycle of sloths are different. The time for a three toed lasts for 150 days while that of a twotoed sloth is about 12 months. After six months the female sloth leaves its little one with the other
sloth species. The young ones of sloths are born with claws and wrap themselves around their
mother for nine months after their birth.
For my free witting for this week I have done a report of a sloth. I have pick a sloth because I don`t know a lot about them and I have not done a report on a sloth before so this was new.
I never knew how interesting sloths are. I was easy to find heaps of facts I would do heaps more but I only had 20 minutes to do this.
Friday, 2 November 2018
On Friday Is was my class assembly is was a Halloween theme we danced and sang in front of the whole school of kawakawa primary. We done a song off coco so we had to make some day of the dead masks and put on some scary costumes but the to people in front of the photo was the host they putted on a good show we all had fun doing and making things for this.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Free writting
On a dark spooky night In the middle of nowhere as A little boy named Tim woke up from the woods and as a mist approached him at cheater speed, he ended up in a swamp in a blink one by one lights instantly, fairy's appearing as well as mythical creatures. He saw a blazing yellow light coming towards Tim hears a voice mistakenly tells him as he was holding the light "you think this is a dream come true but its not" he stared at the light for a second until it trued jet black light and hunt Tim then...
We have a new task everyone Mondays we do free writing that we can do any piece of witting we want for twenty minutes but you have to wait next Monday to know what happeneds.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Te reo selfie
Hi last term my class has been creating Te reo selfies. A te reo selfie is a video where you speak in te reo maori about things about yourself. I found this hard and easy at the same time because the editing was hard but the filming was pretty fun. I had fun making my video and my next goal is to speak more fluentlyy on my pepeha make sure to click on the link below to see my video.
te reo selfie
Thursday, 6 September 2018
This week in my class room we have been learning geometry I identify the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and use this to sort shapes logically.Geometry is when you tell somethings about a shape that makes it what it is. I found this activity very easy because I basically know all the 3D shapes and 2D I can draw and remember there name. My task from my teacher was to know how many faces there are and edges. And it saw a bit hard because I didn't know what these wear. My next learning step is to understand more about rotation and transform.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Math eyes
This week in our class room we have been learning to take our own photos and see what we can find. Math eyes is when you look at a photo and ask question for someone to answer or just saying what you can see. I find this challenging because some of the picture I have done has a little bit of things in there but its easy when there are a lot of things to notice.My next learning step is to make math question like adds and times and so on.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Carpool kar
This Friday was our assembly and we had fun doing our items but this one is the best item. We only had 15 minutes to film with a song connected to the car but it was really cool seeing our video because we only saw our own ones and not everyone else and this is all about lip-sync.make sure to follow me fro more and comment to me and I will reply.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Math eyes
Over the year our class have been doing mate eyes math eye are photos of things or places and e have to try and see all the things in the picture that relates to math`s for example in this picture you can see square this week we got to pick our own eyes and write about it on google drawing the hard part about this was spotting all the angles and shapes in the background. take a look at mine that is did.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
student conference
Yesterday between 4 to 7 we had a student conference when you parents come in a see what you have learnt and how you learn. I came with my papa at tolled he my things it saw hard to read my little writing that I cant read But I was easy to show my work.
Monday, 30 July 2018
kia ora this tearm for tech we are make Junior play shop we are getting information for how and what it will look like we have measurements,ideas that we are going to do we had a choice to do something but we choice this we have a lot of things to do together i was pretty hard to pick one because we all wanted to do something different so we pick this.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Friday, 1 June 2018
Plastic making
So if you have seen my other blog post you will know what I`m talking about so go check that out fist.
We have been making plastic for technology with the same ingredients for the cheese but but in a different way it was clean at fist but when we got in a big messy place and but we had to squeeze all the whey out or juice and started to mound the plastic in a shape and now we are waiting to see what the result are I will update you later.sorry not photos next time later.
Friday, 25 May 2018
cheese making
This week on Thursday for technology we have been making cheese and experiment for the last weeks about it we have
first we put milk and lemon juice in a bowl and put it in the microwave
wait until u have filled it to the top.
And we started scooping the curds out from the milk in a mound
with mutton cloth.
carefully lifted up from the sides of the mutton cloth and tie
it in a note strong note too. and make sure you get all
the weigh out of the bag or juice out.
Get two plates,place your mutton cloth on a plate
put the other plate on top and squash it down.
put some heavy book on top of the plate and squash it again
put the juice back into the bowl you have all ready used.
and enjoy waiting for your cheese in a fright for a hour and you can eat it ok bye
Friday, 11 May 2018
World record
We have been learning about world records for math.I have seen some on youtube people making and braking world records for example longest mouth,longest nails on a single hand,Fastest talker and lastly the tallest man in the world.but here is my slide in here is has some world records that we have tried maybe u can try too.I haven't done a lot but its OK.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Math work out
This is what we done for math.
We have been learning about place value and our teacher has tolled us a easy way to find it out faster it was pretty easy after we knew what we were doing so i hope if you have a one of these math problems.
We have been learning about place value and our teacher has tolled us a easy way to find it out faster it was pretty easy after we knew what we were doing so i hope if you have a one of these math problems.
Friday, 9 March 2018
This interested me to do this because this morning in our school there was an assembly and a class talked about this for an item
If you get teased the only thing to do is use your w.i.t.s if you dont know what they are well you are going to know right now.Here are some ideas that are related to the wits.
say no ignore talk it out actWalk away seek help asked them to ... and more
follow the wits rule and I guarantee that you will have a good day at school.
W - Walk away
I - Ignore
T-Tell them you don't like it
S - Seek help
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Volvo ocean race
Hello and welcome back today you are going to see a exciting thing right now.
My teacher took 10 student`s for the senior class`s to take to Auckland to the Volvo ocean race we traveled to kawakawa to Auckland in 3 hour and once we got there we unload the van then straight off to dinner.
My teacher took 10 student`s for the senior class`s to take to Auckland to the Volvo ocean race we traveled to kawakawa to Auckland in 3 hour and once we got there we unload the van then straight off to dinner.
and straight after dinner we swam in a freezing cold iced water pool
Now lets begin to fun the day of the Volvo ocean rave
Friday, 9 February 2018
My pepha
This is my pepeha Iv`e been learning in my class (room 6)
u will know soon when I know it because I will record myself and post I again on my blog
I found it quite easy for my because I know some lines off by heart.
but I really am going to found it hard is to say it to the whole school.
u will know soon when I know it because I will record myself and post I again on my blog
I found it quite easy for my because I know some lines off by heart.
but I really am going to found it hard is to say it to the whole school.
Ko kapowai te maunga
Ko waikare te awa
Ko mahuhu ki te rangi te waka
Ko Kapotai te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Te turuki te marae
Ko aranga o te pa te whare tupuna
Ko te huihuinga te wharenui
Ko tearoha te wharekai
Ko Tame toku papa
Ko Trevena toku mama
Ko Tunisia toku ahau
No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa
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