Friday, 6 December 2019
Summer learning journey ( teaser week = week 2 activty 1 )
This week I have signed up to a summer learning journey where we have to do activity thought the weekend and at the end of the program there are prize you can win and the top prize is out of a drone or a Ipad But it starts on december the 16th this week is only a teaser week where you can learn more about the program I want to win at least one of the spot prizes. But one of the teaser week activity is find a person and write about the similar I choose Shelly-Ann this is what I have done there is another one.
Monday, 18 November 2019
In the weekened
On Saturday my uncle, cousin and I have a sneaky breakfast down at the bakeries then traveling to the farm to feed the animals (pigs, sheep,cows,goat) we had to re-located the pigs in the hot sun down the hill more after the dogs (misty and fatty) got let out they started chasing the chicken all the way down the hill by the road we tried to call them back but one dident and went to close to the road and the car came across hit misty to the ground we all stood them look for five second runing down to get her misty was crying for help my uncle carrying her and we put bandage around her leg giving her all the attention. riding back in the front seat with me laying down sadly, last night was the best as she layed with me all night hopping to get better. looking in the morning how sad she was but lucky worst happened to her.
Monday, 11 November 2019
So in the weekend on Saturday my mum had a work breakout with hers mate that works with her, we had it at the kawakawa bay of island collage pools we booked the whole place out and even the basketball courts. we set up early in the morning like 9 o clock, people started to arrive with plates of food, there was a table of snacks and food for the kids when they are hungry it was yummy tasting the cakes, popcorn, chocolate, we swam for 6 hours straight we were playing games in the pool with balls and toys but at night ... we meet this girl called Kiara she was one on my mums mates daughter we were in the room watch videos, playing games, eating junk food. We transferred room and laugh at, too each other until a little girl named leilai walked in making penny wise eyes at us so us three ran out of the room were we found Thomas he was talking about how this was a spirit living in the house we were scary but we dident really care so we went back in the room and I some how got stuck in the couch so ocean and kiara turned the light on me and shut the door I screamed and ran out.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Kapa Haka National
Tuesday at 9 o clock we had a full bus travel to Hamilton for kapa haka nationals, the trip was long and loud music playing in the background with people talking. We were pretty excited to go for a swim at the pools until we got stuck in traffic and that took our swimming time away. But at least we got to do it on our way home after the mean performance. Te rau pou manawa o kawakawa performed in front of hundreds of people and we were there to support. Hearing their voices gave me chills by watching them you could tell that they have practiced a lot. We stayed at Te Aratiatia te marae in Fairfield collage and the inside was full with unique designs that cover the marae. We also went to see te rau pou manawa at their marae were we saw Kingston waiting for us. The hangi we had for dinner was beautiful, especially the dessert.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
My movie
Last term on the last week of school we got given time to plan our movie we were going to make for the next term the filing we had edited was very interesting I am saying that because the way people think differently coming up with ideas to present a movie and what there doing or making. we have to present our movies in front of the class hoping to be picked to the next round showing the whole school watching everyone movie was great making stopmotion, green screen, panit 3D and more but we have all voted of what movie should go to the movie festival.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Tuia writing
We have been learning about what have happened around Mecary Bay, on bored and off shore we each had to pick a character about what they done in the day the bomd went off after that we had to pick a object and pretend that we are the object of the day. It was pretty easy to get the information for the cards at the back not really hard
Monday, 14 October 2019
For the two week holidays that I have enjoyed with friend and family, the days that are now memories. One of my favorite day is the second week when I nearly stayed at my friend house for almost a week with another friend we played around on our device and watch movie and stay up late and I mean late like 3:00 am late and my other friend payton we listen to music and play hid and seek outside in the dark and spot light and making each other laugh and watching horror movie it was fun but scary atleast we had yummy snacks and my friends even came to my house but all we done was dacing and playing with my annoying sisters and watching more scary movies and have lollies and spring rolls but its good that we spend time together becaues we are all going to different school next year for collage and it will be good if we had some memories
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Fun Run 2019
On Monday we walked to the train from our school to catch a ride to the local UK rugby fields for our fun run, Once we got there we huddled in our house group there was red for Waiomio, blue for Ngapipito, yellow for Tuamarere and orange for tirghanga. I was in red so each group had to say there chant as a chant off we had flags to supposed our team. As we ran we have to go junior to senior it took forever to get to the 12 year old but once we were called up and blow the horn everyone raced across the sore rocks to the padack with alot of mudd it was fun having a mud fight at the end but it was cold as we got to the train but make sure you comment and like my post plez ok bye
Friday, 16 August 2019
Orientation Day
BOIC - Orientation day
As you may know all primary/intermediate year 8 students usually have to attend a orientation sometime of the year to get prepared, This week all year 8 students at my school attended one at our local college school Bay of island college school. We had 2 leaders to show us around the school, "Charlie & Sharky" I believe there names were, and took about 4 different classes also, some including, Art, D.T.Y/digital technology, wood tech, and science. we had great teachers, but I'm still working out what schools I'm attending and different things like that. Overall I had a pretty good day, met some pretty good students and so on.
I have no photos
Monday, 12 August 2019
Free writing
The mirror in our new house are giving me creepy vides each time I look thought the clear reflection glass, There is a figure that is covered with a thin layer of silk I'm always questioning what lays behind the tall gost. I slowly looked back to see the door slam right in front of my face and a box fell moving the sheet of one corner, I dont know why I was not afraid but I felt like the mirror was calling me I grabbed the slit piece of the sheet and pulled it down what I saw so unbelievable, a painting stood there with a girl in a dress with tears coming down she looked pretty BUT WAIT...
Friday, 2 August 2019
Weekly 3
Every week room 5 and 6 usually have a task to do for maths, this being our weekly 3 task, we have three things to do for 5 minutes until we swap and do the next task, our task we do is , 1. protect, 2. number of the day, and 3. e-Ako. My favorite one is e-Ako beacuse you can play games as you learn so its fun , I personally am not to keen on this warm up, but anyways have a look at what I have done this week,
Monday, 22 July 2019
Free writing
My holidays
The begging of my holiday adventure gave me butterfly in my stomach just waiting to see family and friend, traveling places far and short and attempting netball tournaments that we won all our games and got in to the final, everyone was so happy. I wish the weekend were longer.
Seeing my family from Australia, Auckland, Ahipara was so nice reunited and getting along family we we have not seen in ages.
We were traveling everywhere up north to stay with family and going to activity
like trampoline park, the movies to watch lion king and toy story 4 they were both great movies maybe you should go watch it one day.
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Maromaku sports day
Last week we had a lot of groups of kids go on the bus to representing the school at Maromaku sports for the day, poelpe are going to play netball and rugby That day was really good for my team because we won all of our games and got in to the finals and still won that game but I heared that everyone else games was good to witch I was really happy for that to happened. As we got back to the bus we went to the tuck shop tol get some drinks and food that was really good especially the juices but the bus was really crowed from loud kids but we got back to school safe.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Scratch project
The day my class went to Waitangi that is when learnt how to code on scratch is when you can move with coding it was a great experiments to lean about these things our mission was to make a animation of our writing that we done on first encounters but I done one on Abel Tazman the first person the find new Zealand the part when he blow the horn and the maoris thought they wanted war but Abel dide'nt know what is meant so they started fighting i'm not finished it I wished I could but here is it make sure you push the space button the play the video.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Tuna and Takakau
Last week we have tuna and takakau each person has to bring a short fin eel because the long fin eel and going existence, the person with the biggest girth and weight and longest length gets a prize Kailah had all of them for her waight it was 5kg ,length 86.5cm and the girth was 15.5cm after all of that some people made some creative takakau we even had it with some yummy hangi and there was a prize for the tasty and the creative designed hangi. I was great seeing family members coming in to class the see their kids learning.
Two week ago on week eight we done a first encounters on captain James Cook, we had a choose of 3 pieces of writing to do that was information report, fictional recount, exposition. So I picked a recount I made a story of me looking into lieutenant Zachary hicks as he travels around the world to adventurously find New Zealand. I write 10 pages of good describing writing, we only have two week to complete our work plan, writing, publish, I published my work as a book like my other class mate.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Free writing
After the Saturday netball that we my team won I stayed at my friends houes for her birthday for a night with my other 3 friends, it was a long night as we were playing games(blinds man bluff) and laughing at videos that we made on the trampoline, eating delightful food such as pizza, chocolate, chicken nuggets and lollies we dident go to sleep until really late at night. The day we woke up after that night we had the best pancakes with fruit (banana and strawberry) and ice cream, we all had a fun day out in whangarei playing 10 pin bowling and lazer maze and even eating some cheese cakes.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Te reo
Every week we have a Maori teacher that comes in and tech's us maori and last week we learnt how to introduce/welcome our grandparents in our pepeha, It was a very new and interesting to learn and say in that lesson. This post we had to make a google drawing about what we have learnt over the pass two terms kinda hard to remember it but it was pretty fun.
Monday, 10 June 2019
Free writing
People on the mainland look and the Wormwood family a banded house just because it was made outside of town in a hill and it looked broken on the outside but in this house was a family with secrets. Each night people peek out there window to explore the light for the rusty old house as one person walks out of the house in pitch black clothes as people saw the black figure strolling towards the forest they wonder if it`s only one person or more but you will never know.
Friday, 7 June 2019
Rocket challange
Today for our rocket challenge we are designing and making our own rocket, we had cut out our wings out from ice-cream containers and made a cone from the top of another bottle, we have to wrap tape around the bottle to get a good cut. We had to glue everything with a hot glue gun, we had to change the top wings fast because it was the wrong size and wrong design. It was pretty fun making them and next week I think we are launching them with matua pete. But please comment on my post bye.
Monday, 27 May 2019
Last week On Thursday some people came in to talk about a website called scratch, scratch is a sprite you can make it move with motion, looks, events and control you can do a lot of things they are doing it to both of our senior class room 6 and 5 the program that they do is called Raranga Matihiko. Like last year we went to Waitangi to check out their different apps like stop motion, V.R, green screen and much more cool things they even showed us about some history but this year we are going back to Waitangi to look at some more new things to do on technology.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Math street
Over the past 2 weeks room 5 and 6 have been learning about fraction streets and how the work, we have learnt all about dividing and times factions, this week we have been set the ask to make our own street and questions up. so I made my one like this is the best I can do I`m not that creative.

Monday, 20 May 2019
Free writting
There was a house for sale at the abandoned forest I thought I should check it out, I was a pretty scary ride on the way there, the road was so wiggly and bumpy and trees were blocking the sun making it a long dark shade at the end on the road as a gate that opened by trolls as the car stopped at the entrance The house look like a million years old the window was dirty the wood was rusty but the door like like nothing harmed it it was white as a cloud. The magic trapped in the house exploded in my face the joyful happy looking house and one of the room was filled by book everywhere you look is books.
Monday, 13 May 2019
Free writting
Last week on Friday it was our assembly we had to do taumata for the week we performed a waiata and some kaiarahi went to ackland for national young leaders so they spooked about what they done there we also presented some information about our topic for voyaging about the stars, constellation and our solar system. And we made a video of a car pool karaoke that only took us to day to do two class rooms.we really enjoyed making our assembly it was fun watching our embarrassing video.
Monday, 8 April 2019
free writting
Hour till I reach my destination, feels like I was walking for my whole life. The mountain was higher than the sky and wider than the sea to hard to look far away The mountain of High Hrothgar had stood proudly for thousands of years, casting a solemn shadow for miles around. Few dared to venture close to its base, let alone scale its heights, fearing what awaited at the summit. For one brave adventurer, the folk lore surrounding the mysteries of High Hrothgar provided an opportunity just too tempting to resist. Some called him courageous, others foolish, but it mattered not to him now.
Monday, 1 April 2019
free writting
She stares at the water Confucius of the event that is going on with her parents, thinking what will happen next. As a fiugar hit the surface making a loud CRASH! the cloud became grey the wind became wild the effect of light set low.“You can’t leave without me! Where are you going?” The words came out like a squeak her throat felt tight as she struggled to fight back the tears that had begun to stain her pale cheeks.Mud was now splattered up the front of her dress as she stumbled over the sodden ground. A feeling of overwhelming panic and despair filled her trembling body.
Monday, 25 March 2019
free writing
The engine screamed as the wheels spun round. His heart pounded. Tim knew that he only had seconds to act. There was a long, moss-covered log wedged underneath the jeep, preventing it from moving. The wheels continued to spin pointlessly, smoke starting to billow out from underneath the bonnet, A terrifying roar filled his ears, and he knew the monster was right behind him. He could feel the ground shake beneath him as its gigantic feet collided with the ground. He knew what would happen if it caught him, and muttered a prayer beneath his breath. Tim suddenly found himself lunging forward. He released that the wheels must finally have found some traction, and he breathed out with relief as he sped off onto the path once again; the wheels of the jeep content to be chewing up the firm gravel once again.
Monday, 18 March 2019
free writting
It was a ordinary day, In a ordinary town as they day went by as the night has fell the the ordinary town came to life. It was a strange town with strange people in site, that was more then a hundred maybe more stars and moons shining bright. When a strange mist walk bye and everyone saw cheering he was in a fright for what beyond the wall outside. He stands there looking above the sky and the thing guiding me go hid the wall was high the ground was low he slipped and fell to the bottom of the hole.
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Story tin
This week in our classrooms we had a school kit, we have a item that we have to describe what it is or what you feel, I wanted to do a green gem so I found almost 40 word to describe my object after I done that we have to make a poem out of the words so, we yous website called
Monday, 11 March 2019
free writting
It seemed like an impossible task. Keeping each lantern alight took focus and determination from the whole army of volunteers. Waves of orange and yellow danced in the gentle breeze as the sparkling sea of light took over the horizon. As far as the eye could see flickering flames shone upon this special place. They were almost ready it was almost time
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
woman suffrage
This week we have been learning about woman suffrage. Woman suffrage was about woman did`ent have equal rights to men so a men named Kate Sheperd did not like it so she wanted woman to be allowed to vote in Parliament
Monday, 4 March 2019
free writting
one day it was a warn and sunny day to walk in the woods. she see something in the distance that was able to follow deeper into the woods. It looked like a bright light to light to path soon in 10 more steps she looked around and could find the figer only animals surround her as step back slowly .she found herself in a lot of trouble as her eye grow like owls.the place looked enchanted
Monday, 25 February 2019
free writting
On Monday morning we have 20 minutes of free writing so here is my writing today
My dream
As I was gazing down the track as it expanded as far as my eyes could see, I was walking for miles still no way out, it was like a never ending hallway, there was green everywhere you look , she trys busting her way through the thick green trees she notices it was hopeless so see carries on. she sees massive foot steps going in the same way as her was heading she was curious to know what else is in here with her, she hears noises coming for a distant she stood her ground waiting
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